Friday, December 17, 2010


There's a lot going on in the pregnancy world, but I'm not quite ready to blog about it quite yet. Baby and mommy are fine. I wanted to share a giveaway that a friend is doing on her blog. Go check her out!

Far Above Rubies

Friday, December 3, 2010

17 Weeks

We went in for a visit yesterday to the midwife. When I say "we", I mean Bean and myself. My mother was wonderful and watched my two big kids so I could go to the appointment in peace. I love my kids, but when confined to small spaces, they tend to go a little wonko.

Yesterday I met with the head midwife of the birth center. She was awesome. She was very sweet, remembered me from our e-mail correspondence and slowly went over my birth history and my list of concerns. Nothing serious, just minor swelling and other stuff. We made plans to meet with the OB I'll hopefully be transferring to so we can discuss our plans for VBA2C. She also gave me a letter authorizing dental work to be done so I can get this horrid tooth taken care of so I can sleep at night and not have as many headaches. We listened to the baby's heartbeat, but not before Bean kicked the doppler. I love feeling my babies move inside me, and I'm starting to feel this one more and more everyday.

It was a wonderful visit. I love all the ladies at the birth center. They are always friendly and helpful. I wish we could birth there, but hopefully if we are successful with this VBA2C if we have a fourth we can go the birth center route.

Today was my weekly visit to my wonderful chiropractor. She said my pubic bone is swollen, so I have to ice it more. I've noticed when I have it adjusted and ice it down that I don't have as many ligament pains. I really believe going to the chiropractor will reduce or eliminate many of the issues I have had in the past with my previous pregnancies.

On our way home from the chiropractor, J started throwing up in the car. I just hope he's not really sick, or he at least waits until Daddy gets home! Mommy's gag reflex is too strong to clean up pukies!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving Recovery

Well, we made it through yet another Thanksgiving. This one was particularly nice, although we dealt with on-again-off-again stuffy/runny noses (that are currently on again). My kids rarely get sick, but it always seems to fall during times that are rather difficult. However, they were healthy for Thanksgiving, which is what counts!

Wednesday, we (the kids and I) drove over to my chiropractor and I got adjusted. We ran a quick errand and picked up my 24 year old sister, Rachel, and we headed out to my mom's house. We (mom, Rachel and I) spent the rest of the morning and afternoon doing Thanksgiving prep. We made cornbread, pies, greens, sweet potato casseroles, brined the turkey and boiled the neck and giblets. We ordered pizza for dinner and I left early for church, leaving A with her GeGe and Aunt RaRa to come later, so I could bring LJ some pizza for dinner. We met up at church and enjoyed our pre-Thanksgiving devotional. On Thanksgiving eve, our elders have a devotional rather than the regular Bible classes as our attendance is typically low because of travel. The men have an opportunity to tell how God has blessed them this year and what they're thankful for, or share a verse, prayer or lead a song. It's always a nice way to start the holiday. A went home with my mom from church, and LJ, J and I went back to our house. 

We said I'd sleep until I woke up, or 9 whichever came first. My body was awake at 6:45! I got J up and loaded him up in the car, jammies and all. We stopped for a quick breakfast and drove out to my mom and dad's again. I got there as the house was beginning to wake up. We started getting food ready to cook. My Grannie got there around 9, and we enjoyed visiting with her. The funniest part of the day was when we had the sweet potato casseroles out on the table, A kept sneaking some of the marshmallows off of them!

LJ picked up an elderly gentleman from our congregation and brought him out to my parents' house for lunch. We enjoyed visiting with him. Before lunch, my dad read to us President Washington's Thanksgiving declaration. It made me cry (I'd like to blame preggie hormones, but I think I have to blame this one on hyper-patriotism--no one speaks like they did back then anymore). Lunch was, as always, absolutely delicious. After lunch, LJ and I took the kids over to his grandmother's house and the kids enjoyed playing with their great grandma. I fell asleep watching the Lions getting demolished.

After we returned from LJ's grandma's house, we said our goodbyes to him (he had to work the next day). A went home with my four siblings and Grannie to her house. And the house was quiet... except for J. He ran around crazy for a few more hours, then fell asleep. At 10:30 we woke him up to attempt (read: attempt) some Midnight Madness shopping at the local mass retail store. B-I-G M-I-S-T-A-K-E. Not because J was cranky, he was actually happy and full of giggles. The store was utter chaos. We left around 11, disturbed at the lack of peace and Godliness in some of the shoppers at the sale! We went back to my mom's and went to bed. We woke up around 6 and went back and got the majority of the stuff on our list, without fighting or wrestling someone to the ground, cursing or chancing our souls. Which brings me to my excitement...

I am finally the owner of a brand new sewing machine! I'm so excited! There have been so many times I've tried to sew things up by hand only to either completely mess it up or succeed in doing so, but only after hours of work and frustration. I've got so many projects planned in my head. One of which is to take apart a spaghetti string shirt I wear underneath several of my shirts to make them more modest, and sew them to the immodest shirts, covering any cleavage that would normally show. I've wanted to do this for a while, and never had the opportunity. Now that I have my lovely sewing machine, I can do it! Once I get my house in order from the Thanksgiving chaos! :)

I hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving. I hope you ate to your fill, but not too full. I hope you enjoyed the company of family and/or friends. I hope you ate leftovers until you don't want to look at another turkey for another 350 days. I hope you didn't lose your self control going Black Friday shopping. I hope you continue reading and enjoying my blog. The feedback I have received so far has been so encouraging! I know what I'm planning is against the norm, but it's what we feel is best for me, our baby, and our family.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Our Journey So Far

If you're coming here from my facebook page, you're probably already aware of how we found out we were pregnant and how my pregnancy has been so far. If you don't know yet, here goes.

J woke us up around 3 in the morning the day of our planned picnic at a local park. He'd been teething and was quite irritated. While LJ dealt with him, I went to take a test. I was about 3 days late, a little nauseated and just *knew*. Sure enough, the second line showed up. I walked back in to my son and husband and said, "Now, J, that's not the way a big brother behaves." An indescribable smile went across my husband's face. "Positive?" "Positive." I said. Soon after, LJ and J  fell back to sleep. My mind raced. So many things running through my head. 

I had several weeks of morning sickness. It was pretty bad. I could barely lift my head off the pillow of the couch. One evening, LJ got home late from work and saw me still sick, so he drove down to the pharmacy and picked up some SeaBands. I can't tell you how helpful they were! It literally helped me get around for the next few weeks. By week 12, I was a lot better. I had already seen my midwife and she also suggested I get on a B Complex supplement. That helped a lot too. By week 13 I was pretty much over morning sickness, which was such a relief because I had it so long with my first two!

My second trimester was welcomed with a slightly growing belly. I'm at that wonderful pre-pregnancy pants are too small and maternity pants are too big phase. I don't get nauseated much anymore, except for maybe once a week. Last week, I started to feel tiny little flutters. My baby is growing bigger and bigger everyday. I can't wait until you can feel his/her tiny bumps on the outside of my belly. I especially can't wait to see A and J respond to the kicks and movements.

Have a happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Don't forget to thank God for all the blessings we have in our lives. We live in an amazing age and country!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Cesarean Did Not Save My Children's Lives

I would be remiss if I did not begin this blog without mentioning the fact that cesarean sections have saved lives. Many lives. I am thankful for modern medicine. If many modern medical treatments weren't available, I wouldn't be alive. I have asthma, and have been rescued several times by my inhalers. So, yes modern medicine and cesarean sections have saved lives.

My children are not part of that group.

My first labor and delivery was full of unnecessary interventions. I blame a lot of the interventions on myself. Going into labor without enough education. Not accepting that 40 weeks is an "estimate", and being miserable and frustrated from 39 weeks until 41 weeks when I went into labor. Going to the hospital as soon as I started having contractions. Accepting an epidural at 5cm and being content to lay on my back for the next 16 hours not feeling anything from my belly button down. Buying into the doctor's statement at 4AM that I wasn't going to dilate any further than 9cm and since I didn't feel an urge to push, I needed a cesarean. My daughter was not in distress, my vitals were fine, there was no true medical true diagnosis yet for a cesarean. So many things could have been done to prevent an unnecessary cesarean (unnecesarean to those in the blogging world). My epidural could have been turned down. I could have been moved into a sitting position. However, no one with me was thinking of things like that at 4AM after being in the hospital for 24 hours. So, at 4:30AM on July 16, 2007 my little girl was pulled out of my body via "the sunroof".

Twelve months later, we were pleasantly surprised to find out we were blessed with another child. When I was 22 weeks pregnant, I suggested to my OB that I wanted a VBAC. His response was, "Sure. I don't see why not." At 37 weeks, during an internal exam, my doctor declared, "You are not dilated and his head is not engaged. You need a cesarean." I was heartbroken. It didn't make sense to me, but my husband and I decided we wouldn't fight the system and our son was delivered 19 months to the day after his sister via the same exit.

While the recovery from my son's birth was a lot easier than my daughter's, it was still difficult. I couldn't pick up my daughter. I couldn't do housework for 2 weeks. However, I did it without narcotics and was quite pleased to do so. We were a family of four and we were content. I was not emotionally healed from my daughter's delivery, but I had healed from my son's delivery easily. When my son was 18 months, my husband and I felt like there was something missing from our family. We decided we wanted another baby. I told him I could only do this if we had a VBA2C. We went into TTC (trying to conceive) knowing if we succeeded, we may have to fight "the system" to get the birth that I so desperately desired. Surprisingly, we were blessed in the first month of TTC with a pregnancy.

So, here we are. On the road to a VBA2C. I have been blessed with encouragement online and in person. My husband is about as determined to see me through this as I am to get it done. We found a very sweet and encouraging doula, I am seeing a midwife for my current prenatal care and intend to switch to an OB that supports VBA2C later during my pregnancy. I am also going to a chiropractor who is helping keep me in good health during this pregnancy. 

This pregnancy and birth will be so different and life-changing, I decided to keep a record of it online. I don't know how many people will read it, but I want to keep the record so I can see where I go from here and how I get there. I hope that whoever reads it will be encouraged to take charge of their own birth choices and make informed decisions as my husband and I have.

I will attempt to post as regularly as possible. Definitely after every development in pregnancy: Milestones, midwife appointments, etc. However we have a lot going on between now and when our new little blessing is due in May. Thanksgiving, holiday shopping, possible travel, birthday parties, moving, my parents moving, and then spending that wonderful nesting energy on unpacking our home and getting it ready for baby. So, I'm sure you will hear about all of that too! It's all on our road to our VBA2C!