Friday, December 3, 2010

17 Weeks

We went in for a visit yesterday to the midwife. When I say "we", I mean Bean and myself. My mother was wonderful and watched my two big kids so I could go to the appointment in peace. I love my kids, but when confined to small spaces, they tend to go a little wonko.

Yesterday I met with the head midwife of the birth center. She was awesome. She was very sweet, remembered me from our e-mail correspondence and slowly went over my birth history and my list of concerns. Nothing serious, just minor swelling and other stuff. We made plans to meet with the OB I'll hopefully be transferring to so we can discuss our plans for VBA2C. She also gave me a letter authorizing dental work to be done so I can get this horrid tooth taken care of so I can sleep at night and not have as many headaches. We listened to the baby's heartbeat, but not before Bean kicked the doppler. I love feeling my babies move inside me, and I'm starting to feel this one more and more everyday.

It was a wonderful visit. I love all the ladies at the birth center. They are always friendly and helpful. I wish we could birth there, but hopefully if we are successful with this VBA2C if we have a fourth we can go the birth center route.

Today was my weekly visit to my wonderful chiropractor. She said my pubic bone is swollen, so I have to ice it more. I've noticed when I have it adjusted and ice it down that I don't have as many ligament pains. I really believe going to the chiropractor will reduce or eliminate many of the issues I have had in the past with my previous pregnancies.

On our way home from the chiropractor, J started throwing up in the car. I just hope he's not really sick, or he at least waits until Daddy gets home! Mommy's gag reflex is too strong to clean up pukies!

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