- My baby turned two years old *sniff*
- Two... maybe three... wonderful OB visits. Passed the glucose tolerance test *yay*
- My uber-hands off birth plan was approved by the OB.
- We moved from our two bedroom apartment on the third floor to a three bedroom apartment on the second floor. It's about 30 minutes from the old place, but it's less than 15 minutes from hubby's work. I'm so jealous. I fill up my tank more than he does now!
- We had J tested for the foods A is allergic to as well as milk and wheat. No allergies! A goes in for testing shortly after Bean is born.
- I don't remember mentioning it before, but we found out that Bean is a Boy! Josiah Morgan, hereafter referred to as J2. Josiah is after the Israelite king who tore down the high places where idol worship was performed, and Morgan after my mother's biological family, who we recently came into contact with.
- J's birthday party. I made an egg-free volcano cake, which was quite hairy at first, because I used a cake mix. Cake mix+egg replacer=cake that doesn't stay together. Which was ok for this cake. I mean, how often do you see a non-lumpy, lopsided volcano?
- Had our big meeting with our doula. We talked about things I want/don't want during my birth for comfort measures.
- Continuing working on Hypnobabies.
I think that gets us up to date. J2 is getting big, and he's super low. No matter how low he is, he seems to always be able to manage to get his little feet up in my ribcage. Stubborn little boy.
A and J already know his name. They talk to him, rub my belly, and are just too stinkin' cute! A pronounces his name pretty well, but J says, "siah". They can't wait to get their hands on their baby brother! Friends of ours had a baby in January, and they love loving on her. I know they're gonna be great with J2. The only thing I worry about is J. He's... intense. You know that song "Love Hurts". J's love hurts. He can't hug without chest butting. I'm really nervous about how he's gonna be around J2. I'm just hoping he'll get used to being gentle.
I'm getting to the point where I'm nesting. Yeah, 33 weeks I probably should be nesting! I have a LOT of nesting to do! Finish unpacking, sort mine and LJ's clothes into our new dressers, get J2's clothes ready, crib (we use as a sidecar co-sleeper) ready, buy some more cloth diapers, and continue the status quo as far as house chores go (laundry, dinner, housecleaning, etc.).
I'm also getting to that ready-to-have-a-newborn point. I miss having a newborn in the house. That sweet newborn smell, the squeaky noises he'll make, nursing a newborn again, the newborn poo (yes, I said poo--when you've changed toddler diapers for 2.5 years, newborn poo sounds heavenly), wrap lovies. And no, I'm not letting all those mommy hormones get to me and have me in la-la land. I know I'm gonna lose sleep. I know I may need to adjust my diet if he has his sister's digestive system. I know I'm never going to get to take a shower while LJ isn't home for fear of J wanting to "help" with the baby. I know I'm going to have to get up 30 minutes or more earlier for church, start getting everyone ready 30 minutes or more earlier to get out the door. I really don't care. My newest little man will be worth it. :)
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