Wednesday, we (the kids and I) drove over to my chiropractor and I got adjusted. We ran a quick errand and picked up my 24 year old sister, Rachel, and we headed out to my mom's house. We (mom, Rachel and I) spent the rest of the morning and afternoon doing Thanksgiving prep. We made cornbread, pies, greens, sweet potato casseroles, brined the turkey and boiled the neck and giblets. We ordered pizza for dinner and I left early for church, leaving A with her GeGe and Aunt RaRa to come later, so I could bring LJ some pizza for dinner. We met up at church and enjoyed our pre-Thanksgiving devotional. On Thanksgiving eve, our elders have a devotional rather than the regular Bible classes as our attendance is typically low because of travel. The men have an opportunity to tell how God has blessed them this year and what they're thankful for, or share a verse, prayer or lead a song. It's always a nice way to start the holiday. A went home with my mom from church, and LJ, J and I went back to our house.
We said I'd sleep until I woke up, or 9 whichever came first. My body was awake at 6:45! I got J up and loaded him up in the car, jammies and all. We stopped for a quick breakfast and drove out to my mom and dad's again. I got there as the house was beginning to wake up. We started getting food ready to cook. My Grannie got there around 9, and we enjoyed visiting with her. The funniest part of the day was when we had the sweet potato casseroles out on the table, A kept sneaking some of the marshmallows off of them!
LJ picked up an elderly gentleman from our congregation and brought him out to my parents' house for lunch. We enjoyed visiting with him. Before lunch, my dad read to us President Washington's Thanksgiving declaration. It made me cry (I'd like to blame preggie hormones, but I think I have to blame this one on hyper-patriotism--no one speaks like they did back then anymore). Lunch was, as always, absolutely delicious. After lunch, LJ and I took the kids over to his grandmother's house and the kids enjoyed playing with their great grandma. I fell asleep watching the Lions getting demolished.
After we returned from LJ's grandma's house, we said our goodbyes to him (he had to work the next day). A went home with my four siblings and Grannie to her house. And the house was quiet... except for J. He ran around crazy for a few more hours, then fell asleep. At 10:30 we woke him up to attempt (read: attempt) some Midnight Madness shopping at the local mass retail store. B-I-G M-I-S-T-A-K-E. Not because J was cranky, he was actually happy and full of giggles. The store was utter chaos. We left around 11, disturbed at the lack of peace and Godliness in some of the shoppers at the sale! We went back to my mom's and went to bed. We woke up around 6 and went back and got the majority of the stuff on our list, without fighting or wrestling someone to the ground, cursing or chancing our souls. Which brings me to my excitement...
I am finally the owner of a brand new sewing machine! I'm so excited! There have been so many times I've tried to sew things up by hand only to either completely mess it up or succeed in doing so, but only after hours of work and frustration. I've got so many projects planned in my head. One of which is to take apart a spaghetti string shirt I wear underneath several of my shirts to make them more modest, and sew them to the immodest shirts, covering any cleavage that would normally show. I've wanted to do this for a while, and never had the opportunity. Now that I have my lovely sewing machine, I can do it! Once I get my house in order from the Thanksgiving chaos! :)
I hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving. I hope you ate to your fill, but not too full. I hope you enjoyed the company of family and/or friends. I hope you ate leftovers until you don't want to look at another turkey for another 350 days. I hope you didn't lose your self control going Black Friday shopping. I hope you continue reading and enjoying my blog. The feedback I have received so far has been so encouraging! I know what I'm planning is against the norm, but it's what we feel is best for me, our baby, and our family.